Patient Voting
A program of Vot-ER
We are a non-partisan organization aiming to increase voter turnout among registered voters who are unexpectedly hospitalized in the days and weeks prior to elections.
In most states, patients are able to vote from their hospital beds through Emergency Absentee Ballots. We are creating a nationwide network of healthcare workers and non-medical individuals dedicated to sharing this information and helping patients vote.
We gather information about emergency voting processes from state websites, state code of law, and phone calls with the board elections officials. Always clarify policies with your local board of elections or county clerk.
**State-specific information was last updated in July 2024.
How Does Patient Voting Work?
Patient Voting helps patients vote by using an Emergency Absentee Ballot. An Emergency Absentee Ballot is available in most states, but few people have heard of it.
Most people are familiar with regular absentee ballots, which are intended for people (members of the military, college students) who know ahead of time that they will not be able to make it to the polls on Election Day. When patients are unexpectedly hospitalized, they likely did not make arrangements to vote by regular absentee ballot. Emergency Absentee Ballots are used when a registered voter realizes that they will be unable to make it to the polls, but it is too late to apply for regular absentee ballots.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, "Requirements to qualify for an emergency ballot vary, but the most common reason that states permit a voter to use this option is due to a medical emergency such as unforeseen illness, confinement to a medical facility, disabilities or accidents resulting in injury."
There are different deadlines and processes, depending on the state. Check out the individual state pages for more information on the Patient Voting process in your state.

Patient Voting In Action

Patients voting from their hospital bed at Lenox Hill Hospital via Patient Voting partner organization Northwell Health Voting. Shared with patient permission.